Artifact 5d7964ab2f2e3320458015385a5521eb6d568149afbc98ae183fd3e8b95a92c9:

Week 4


Location : Kamerlingh Onnes A1.44

Readings : - TK

In this lecture, we will be joined by Zinzy Waleson Geene for a conversation about navigating ethical and other considerations as a researcher in industry.

About our guest speaker:

Zinzy Waleson Geene is a researcher and designer specialized in building products for people at work. More TK.


During tutorials, you will have a chance to show off what you made for assignment 2.

Homework : - Learn about the Crisis Text Line scandal by reading McNeil (2022) and at least one additional source of your own choice.

  • Take some notes to prepare for a discussion in tutorials.