Artifact db3d8e2990a3bb972b7f0c6e7f639387545287414af18b0a823ef41ac81a38b0:
- File docs/weeks/ — part of check-in [b0a59ba7a1] at 2024-04-16 12:51:53 on branch revise-for-2024 — update descriptions of weeks 3 and 4 (user: jboy, size: 1009) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using] [more...]
Week 3
Location : PdlC SC01
Readings : - King (2021)
- Mattern (2018)
We have discussed challenges we face as we want to conduct ethnographic research in an ethical manner in today's world. But what can we do as researchers to put ethical principles into practice? How can we avoid causing harm and protect those in the field, ourselves included? We will discuss ways in which "care" may provide a useful framework for putting ethics into practice. We will also discuss care as an example of an ethically rich and resonant research focus.
During tutorials, you will discuss and plan the second assignment. This will require forming groups with two or three other students in your tutorial group and coming up with an idea for a manual.
Homework : - Review some resources included in the description of assignment 2 and brainstorm some ideas for how you can practically relate the conduct of ethnography to care/repair/maintenance.