Artifact f7bc5936b6a91fe8a9430a8bd435df56c3d0941b482075173f9bc9e4c23a46fb:
- File docs/weeks/ — part of check-in [5882fc1f16] at 2022-03-29 15:05:54 on branch revise-for-2022 — add CTL scandal reading (user: jboy, size: 874) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
Week 1
Readings : - Le Guin (1973)
- Mutaru (2018)
Contemporary ethnographic research continues the tradition of ethnographic inquiry in anthropology and sociology, but has some distinguishing characteristics. We will discuss the past and present of ethnographic research and how at every stage it involves decisions where ethical concerns are at stake, forcing us to ask what "the good" is in society and how we are meant to act. Further, we will cover the current research ethics regime, where it comes from, what it entails, and why it is at times contested.
No tutorials yet this week.
Homework : Find the ethics code of an anthropological or sociological association in your home country or region and read it with Mutaru (2018) at the back of your mind. How well do you think the code could guide you when dealing with emerging ethical dilemmas?