@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ Location : Kamerlingh Onnes A1.44 Readings -: - Wouters (2017) -- [Leiden Manifesto](http://www.leidenmanifesto.org/) (2015) +: - Chin (2021) +- TK -For this session we are honored to welcome Dr. **Andrew Hoffman**, the Faculty of Social Sciences data steward, who will speak from his vantage point about TK. +For this session we are honored to welcome Dr. **Andrew Hoffman**, the Faculty of Social Sciences data steward, who will speak from his vantage point about data management, its institutionalization and professionalization in contemporary academic research, its relation to ethnography---but especially what it looks like in practice and why it can be a helpful skill even if you don't intend to become an academic researcher. **No tutorials this week.** Homework -: - Watch the [teaser video](https://pardoguerra.org/quantifiedscholar/) for Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra's _The Quantified Scholar_. +: - Put some of this week's lessons into action by rethinking how you organize your own files and folders. You have a [backup](https://www.worldbackupday.com/), right?